Time to Heal

If you are a survivor, then you know how bad things can be and you also know how to get through. At Kinergy, we firmly believe that it doesn’t stop there: healing from sexual abuse and violence is possible, and counselling can play a big part in that. What this looks, feels and sounds like is different for everyone. But one thing is sure: you are not alone and many have walked this path before. 

On this page, our former clients speak to you about their experience.


I answered the phone. "Hello Rachel, it's Kinergy  here, I'm calling to offer you your counselling sessions". Read more...

Rachel Ann, age 46, from South Gloucestershire 

Three Little Words

And then "OCI" came along, in a conversation I had with an instructor who was teaching me
self-defence as part of my recovery.



Mary Carpenter House,
Britannia Road,
Bristol BS15 8DB
E: contact@kinergy.org.uk
T: 0117 908 7712


Opening Hours:
Mon & Fri: 9:00 - 16:30
Tues - Thurs: 9:00 - 20:15
Charity No: 1099140
Company No: 04391957