Sara's Story

Sara, a student in her twenties, came to Kinergy because she was sexually abused by her father and mother. Sara had been experiencing flashbacks and images of sexual abuse. She recognised that she had large gaps in her childhood memories and no specific memories of the abuse. As a result she was uncertain whether to trust these flashbacks. However, she wanted to explore the memories and images. The flashbacks she experienced were very intense and visual and often triggered periods of dissociation.

Sara also wanted to explore her identity and her emotional and relationship needs, as well as self-care. She wanted to experience relationships with others without sacrificing her boundaries with her family and friends.

Through her experience of counselling, Sara is feeling more autonomous, and has learnt to validate herself rather than seeking validation through others. She is using what she has learnt about herself to create boundaries with others. Sara has started to recognise her triggers and how she is affected, by increasing self-awareness of her thought processes.  




Mary Carpenter House,
Britannia Road,
Bristol BS15 8DB
T: 0117 908 7712


Opening Hours:
Mon & Fri: 9:00 - 16:30
Tues - Thurs: 9:00 - 20:15
Charity No: 1099140
Company No: 04391957